As a business owner, you have always maintained a traditional, on-site work environment. As such, your contact center has never granted Work-at-Home privileges, and you prefer to hire local — as opposed to remote — customer service Communicators.
While this policy may have suited your contact center in the past, it’s time to ask whether it’s still aligned with the needs and demands of your workers. The business landscape has changed dramatically in recent years, and workers today — particularly contact center Communicators — are demanding flexible scheduling policies that allow them to work where they want, and in some cases even when they want.
Rest assured, your contact center won’t be the only one changing its strategy to accommodate its Communicators’ needs. Many customer service administrators are now adjusting their policies and allowing Work-at-Home privileges. According to Gallup, 43 percent of Americans spent at least some time working remotely in 2016. This is an increase of four percent from a previous poll conducted in 2012
Soak that in for a moment: Almost 50 percent of the American workforce is experimenting with teleworking....
#CustomerExperience, #ContactCenterFlexibility, #RemoteAgents, #Telecommuting
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