Wednesday, April 25, 2007

What's next for our corporate website?

Our second-design website has now been around for about 2.5 years, and has helped to achieve many of the intended marketing goals. Time to start planning version 3.0!

What has changed in the 2.5 years?

The first thing you could include in a list of what's different are websites which are now more dynamic, interactive, community-driven. Check out for an example of the new media. News stories are posted, read, reviewed, shared, and the number of views count in the placement of the story amidst the entire volume of news. The community drives the content.

The second thing I'll mention is video. Every site seems to now either host their own user-generated videos or link to YouTube's.

The third thing is the social networks, such as LinkedIn for business networking and MySpace for personal networking.

I'm not sure if the next incarnation of csiworld will include any of these elements or devices. I have some ideas on what I'd like to improve and enhance. Looking for any other suggestions "the community" may offer.

If anyone has any fresh ideas for new content, please post a comment below.

FYI, this is our 100th post!


  1. i got call center blog also, its ""
    if it is possible to trade link with you.. please email me at


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